The Space Between was created from a simple question. How have we become so disconnected and how do we find reconnection?

Amidst the profound shifts of recent years, The Space Between emerges as an anchor for reconnection in a world experiencing unprecedented change. As perspectives shift, values evolve, and structures crumble, we dive into transformative conversations through major life themes - purpose, partnerships, energy, money, and much more.

The intention is to open minds and hearts, fostering connections within ourselves and with others. These conversations serve as a catalyst for self-reflection and meaningful dialogue, inviting you to confront what simmers beneath the surface. The world is in incredible transformation and we know it’s always darkest before the dawn. In The Space Between, brighter days await, and the path to a changed world begins by coming home to ourselves.

Alyson’s passion for relationships and her spiritual journey called her to create The Space Between.

With over 15 years devoted to the study of energy and mindfulness, Alyson brings a unique perspective in bridging the old and new paradigms. The world is no longer the same as it was. A new age is here.

Fueled by the strong energies of a ruling 7th astrological house, Alyson shares a wealth of knowledge, with a particular focus on relationships - the ruler of the 7th house and most pivotal theme in our lives.

Alyson is not just an entrepreneur, but a visionary dedicated to serving the collective. Her mission centers on ushering in the new age of Aquarius - a time to reclaim our power after enduring decades of systemic control. It all begins with the profound act of coming home to ourselves.